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6 de julio de 2009

R.O.B. • E

R.O.B. • E
Directo desde Pixar, este simpatico personaje que sin duda a muchos nos hizo reir, ha decidido unirse al brawl y no precisamente para limpiar, espero que sea de su agrado yo me diverti mucho haciendolo.

Direct from Pixar, this nice character who certainly made us laugh a lot, has decided to join to the brawl, and not to clean, I hope you enjoy it I had fun doing it.

10 comentarios:

  1. OMG.

    Finally. A perfect WALL-E! Thank you!

  2. A LOT better than SS's, well done!

  3. You folks hands down make the best textures for brawl... Hope to see a bunch more awesome stuff in the future, Thanks a ton!

  4. Hey, Jack Harvest here again. (From MeowMix)

    We invite you to please view the major announcment we have over on the homepage of meowmix. We hope to see you involved in the Revolution.

    Jack H.
    Team MeowMix

  5. Nice texture! That looks perfect.

  6. Cada smana os superais vuestras texturas tienen un nivel de detalle increible, y esta en especial con los arañazitos del chapado y todo XD

  7. Increible! Incredible! It's so cool and adorable since it's coming from Wall-E! :D Again, great job on the texture. Lol, my friend is going to like this when I show this to him since he likes using R.O.B.

  8. Whoa, kicks the living daylights out of Androu1's Wall•E. o.o


  9. Could someone post this texture somewhere other than MegaUpload? That site rarely lets me download anything. It'd rather tell me that Google can hook me up with a job that gets me thousands of dollars while I sleep.

  10. Estaba buscando esta textura por todos lados y finalmente la encontré. Gracias Das Donkey Team.
    Cómo siempre calidad en detalle.
    *pulgar arriba*
