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25 de julio de 2009

Toon Cow Link

Nacido para ser salvaje y representando al enemigo jurado del Burro llega Toon Cow Link, como todos sabemos en el reino salvaje la vaca y el burro pelean por el puesto mas alto de la cadena alimenticia y la carrera armamentista desde el final de la primer guerra mundial, lo que no todos saben es que una secta vacuna del sur de Holanda lleva años intentando iniciar una guerra contra los burros y este guerrero es una representacion muy cercana a sus uniformados.

Ok, el equipo de Das Donkey puede desvariar un poco de vez en cuando pero ha sido solo un poco; disfruten esta textura, de verdad me gusto el resultado final.

Sabias que...
  • La mujer se creo a base de la costilla de Adan, pero adan se creo a base de la costilla de un burro?
  • La leche de vaca es solo la bondad que depura su cuerpo para ser 100% malignas?
  • Cada mancha en el pelaje de una vaca es una vida que tomaron en una vida pasada (las vacas negras fueron criaturas de verdad malignas)?
  • Los toros son una sub-especie simbiotica esclavizada por las vacas primitivas como esclavos sexuales y sanganos reproductivos?
  • Originalmente trataron de capturar a los burros para los mismos propositos (por una grande y obvia razon) pero estos fueron demasiado listos y nobles?
  • Toda vaca tiene capacidad reproductiva (maligna capacidad reproductiva)?
  • Toda vaca es macho?
  • Por consecuencia esas ubres no son lo que la industria lechera quiere que creas?
  • Le pusimos mas empeño a la elaboracion de esta lista que a la textura en cuestion?
  • La traduccion de este post se hizo con solo dar click a traducir en google translate sin revision alguna?
Born to be wild and representing the enemy jury reaches Donkey Cow Toon Link, as we all know, wild kingdom in the cow and the donkey vie for the highest post of the food chain and the arms race since the end of the first world war , not everyone knows what a cult is that the vaccine south of Holland has spent years trying to start a war against the donkeys and the warrior is a representation very close to its military.

Ok, the team may Donkey Das rants a bit from time to time but it was just a little, enjoying the texture, I really liked the end result.

Did you know ...
  • The woman was created based on the rib of Adam, but Adam was created based on the rib of a donkey?
  • Cow's milk is only goodness which is expulsed from his body to be 100% evil?
  • Every spot on the coat of a cow is one murder during a past life (black cows were truly evil creatures)?
  • Bulls are a sub-symbiotic species enslaved by the cows as primitive "Sangano sexual "and reproductive slaves?
  • They originally tried to capture the donkeys for the same purpose (for a large and obvious reasons) but they were too clever and "noble"?
  • Every cow has reproductive capacity (malignant reproductive capacity)?
  • Every cow is male?
  • As a result these udders are not what the milk industry wants you to believe?
  • We put more effort in developing this list that the texture in question?
  • The translation of this post was just to click on google translate to translate without any revision?

2 comentarios:

  1. I this texture, is very funny. It sucks that Toon Link doesn't have the milk taunt of Young Link. Good job on this texture. Moooo.
