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30 de septiembre de 2009

The Dawn Knight

Dawn Knight
Antes, habia caos...y nosotros trajimos orden.
Antes, habia sufrimiento
...y trajimos salvación .
Antes, habia arrogancia...y trajimos humildad.
Antes, habia ignorancia...y trajimos la verdad.
Antes, habia cobardia... y trajimos honor.
Antes, habia anarquia...y trajimos la justicia.
Antes, habia orcuridad...y trajimos la luz.

Antes que hubiera leyendas, estaban los Royal Knights of Smash.

Caballero 1: Dawn Knight (Xander)

Before, there was chaos....and we brought order

Before, there was suffering....and we brought salvation
Before, there was arrogance...and we brought humility
Before, there was ignorance...and we brought truth
Before, there was cowardice...and we brought honor
Before, there was lawlessness...and we brought justice
Before, there was darkness...and we brought light

Before there were legends, there were the Royal Knights of Smash.
(Excerpt taken from the Royal Knights of Smash clan.)
Knight1: The Dawn Knight (Xander)

1 comentario:

  1. OMFG!!
    Esta de poca, no nos arrepentimos, hicimos una buena eleccion!
